
Über Exclusives: CoCo && Breezy Takes Überchic to Planet C&&B

Überchic gets an insight on the life of CoCo and Breezy. We discuss everything from their first tattoos, siblings, and how they're creating their own brand. Take a look as CoCo && Breezy get über exclusive with Überchic.

Überchic: We know you were recently honored at the 2nd Annual Black Out Awards, as honorees do you feel you reached another pinnacle in your career?
CoCo && Breezy: First off it's crazy we were being honored being that we've been in New York for about two years. It's just good to know you put so much effort and so much work and see it all pay off. Shaun Ross, the first African American male albino super model told us that, "It doesn't matter that you've been in business only two years; it just goes to show that you guys put so much effort and hard work in these couple of years you've been in business." Now we just feel so motivated to work even harder. We came from Minnesota now we’re in New York...what’s next?!

Überchic: What inspired you both to create a children’s line?
CoCo && Breezy:
We're all about stepping out of the box not being afraid to be your own artist. Since we got good feedback from the adults why not do it for the kids. Kids are being more fashionable then they were ten years ago.

Überchic: Since you ventured out to do a children’s line do you plan on expanding your brand into apparel?
CoCo && Breezy: We make glasses because when we we’re younger we would always get made fun of. We we’re always into sunglasses so why not give people something to stare at-- we cover our eyes through glasses and it gives us more confidence. CoCo && Breezy is a brand. All the big brands start off with one little niche. We started off with sunglasses, then C&&B 4 KIDS and then we added accessories and next will be clothes!

Überchic: Do you have any siblings?
CoCo && Breezy: We have an older half brother in his 30’s.

Überchic: At what age did you get your first tattoo?
CoCo && Breezy: Our 18th Birthday once we moved to New York we just kind of wild out. We love the art that’s on our bodies everything expresses who we are.

Überchic: Between the two of you who is the quiet one and who’s more out going?
Coco && Breezy: I’m definitely the more quiet one (CoCo). Breezy is way more outgoing than I am people take my quietness for being mean.. but I’m not mean I’m just quiet.

Überchic: Do either of you have a “special” person in your life?
CoCo && Breezy: We both are single...(yeah I know it sucks). We both are dating, we're dating someone but we don't have boyfriends right now.

Überchic: What point did you realize the success of your brand?
CoCo && Breezy: Moving to New York even though our brand wasn't known yet. If we hadn't moved to New York at the right time it wouldn't be what is now--everything is about timing.

Check out the clip of our interview...

30 Second Run Down on the Life Style of CoCo && Breezy....
They like Pumps over Flats... They’ll take the subway over a cab any day... They mix silver and gold accessories... If they had to choose between Alexander McQueen or Coco Chanel they’d choose McQueen... If the choice was between McDonald's and BK they choose neither their health freaks (but loves McDonald's Cookies!!!)... They love their Blackberry (especially BBM) and Droid phones and enjoys Twitter over Facebook while eating M&Ms over Skittles and if they had to leave the house they would throw some tights on before jeans while sipping on Coke... No Pepsi... Wait neither.. we told you they were health freaks!!!

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