With fall and winter just around the corner, there is no surprise that some of us have experienced colds and runny noses already. Being the busiest time of year for most, it is crucial that your body stays at its very best. ÜberChic wants to share VIBE Vixen's 'new winter plan': 7 Ways To Combat Those Cold Weather Woes.

1) Get some sleep: No surprise there. Getting 6-8 hours is crucial! And did you know? --> Sleep stops us from overeating, because when our bodies are well-rested, they don’t crave exceeding amounts of energy from which we derive most quickly from food.
2) Get out and get some sun: It lifts your mood and gives you your vitamin D.
3) Pile on your UV protection: Wearing a SPF moisturizer is still just as important!
4) Continue drinking lots of water: 8 glasses a day!
5) Give your body what it needs (and not always what it wants): Maintain a healthy, sustainable diet. Know when to splurge and when not to on those holiday desserts.
6) Work out, and do it in the morning: Get your day started off right!
7) Start now superwoman: Building tolerance for the winter! (ie weather, lifestyle)
Try it!
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