While enduring an episode of VH1's Basketball Wives LA, the women of the show attended a "Passion Party. " No, nothing naughty like most viewers and cast members thought, but something a little more beneficial like discovering your own dreams and perfect career by finding just what it is you're passionate about!
Life can be hectic for us all and among the clutter we can forget to recognize just what it is we truly care about. With this in mind, Uberchic thought that this was a topic everyone could benefit from in some form! Gathered from iNeedMotivation, below are 7 questions to ask yourself to start you on the right path to confidently discovering your true passion:
1. What puts a smile on your face?
2. What do you find easy?
3. What sparks your creativity?
4. What would you do for free?
5. What do you like to talk about?
6. What makes you unafraid of failure?
7. What would you regret not having tried?
After thoroughly answering these simple questions, your next career move should be a piece of cake. Enjoy!
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