Check out the Ray J rant and Fabolous response below!!!
Prior to the fight they HBO show "24/7" a documentary of both Mayweather and Ortiz. Within the documentary they showed Ray J playing his hit song "One Wish" on the piano inside Mayweather's living room. Well Fab thought this was definitely humorous! He tweeted:
"Nah but Floyd saying we havin a concert in my living room & the camera cuts to Ray J singing 'One Wish' on the piano had me in tears!!" "Get it..? Ray J concert in the living room!! *Lil Wayne voice* N---- Ray J doin a concert in his living room... Lmaoooooo."
I actually laughed when I read these tweets....but I don't think Ray J seen the humor in it.
So apparently last night both Ray J and Fabolous was in Vegas. Fabolous was performing at the Palms Hotel, where apparently Ray J met him backstage and "punched" him in the face. He was later on arrested and claims Fabolous didn't retaliate. Check out the rant below: [warning it is uncensored]
Since Ray J's rant on New York's Power 105.1's The Breakfast Club, Fabolous responded in an interview later with DJ Clue!
He then tweeted after the interview:
This has honestly been the most publicity Ray J has had since his infamous sex tape with Kim Kardashian. It's a shame he isn't relevant by his music only drama.
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