Many of us single girls may not know exactly what we want out of a marriage, but after watching the fighting, cheating and lies on 'Basketball Wives'--we can easily say what we DON'T want out of it. It has been said that BBW:LA sends a negative message to not only women dating athletes, but to women in general hoping to one day get married. With this in mind, Laura Govan sat down with Rolling Out magazine to give a little soft advice about knowing when the time is "right" to get married, along with what has helped her develop a healthy relationship with her future husband Gilbert Arenas.
An interesting fact about this mother of four is that she holds a master’s degree in sports psychology. Hmm, so her logic could be very interesting. She feels that taking care of yourself FIRST is crucial to having a solid relationship with anyone else. Check it out!
Personally speaking, what health routines do you employ to strengthen your mind and body?
Cardio. I try to remain active by playing sports daily, whether it’s basketball, tennis, swimming, golf, etc. I also think having a healthy sex life helps as well.
How do you assess areas in your personal life that are in need of improvement?
I’m honest with myself. I know I’m a work in progress — we all have flaws. I just make sure I’m the best mother and wife I can be, and I continue to evolve.
What is your daily media diet? What news sites do you visit most often, and why?
Honestly, I’m not into blogs. When I start my day, I go straight into mommy mode. I cook breakfast every morning, get the kids dressed and take them to school. When I do go online, I like to visit health and fitness sites and home décor sites. I’m really starting to get into interior design, and so all things related to home décor interests me.
What was it that initially drew you to Gilbert?
He had a quirkiness about him. I was like “hmmm, let me fix this!” (laughing) He was like my little project that I wanted to fix, I was like “let’s get you some braces, this hair’s gotta go,” [laughing]. I love him.
What is your best advice for future brides?
Don’t get married until you really know somebody. Most people get married because they’re “so in love” but that only lasts for so long, and then the honeymoon is over. Don’t marry someone unless you’re able to really be yourself around that person, if you can’t fart in front of them, then you’re not ready.
So remember:
1)Exercise your body and mind daily
2) Stay away from negativity
3)And the best rule..Farts=Love. :D
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