Okay, Halloween is a little over a week away and you're looking for that perfect costume to wear to that huge party next weekend. Nothing too skanky, but not too immature either. The best bet to having the most tasteful yet sexy costume is to take a few lessons from those who've done it best! And Mrs. Kim K definitely knows a thing or two about exuding sexiness. Überberchic and US Weekly gives you a look at Kim's sexiest past Halloween costumes to help create inspiration to finding your perfect costume!
Wonder Woman: You can never go wrong with a dynamic superhero that isn't too played out.

Jasmine: A princess with a little sass?! Who wouldn't love this?!

Sailor: Simple and Sexy

Pirate: You can always add big curls or a fun and sexy wig to add pizazz to the costume!

Queen of Hearts: This is a costume you don't see too often, but the sexiness still remains.

Little Red Riding Hood: Everyone loves to play the innocent role, so why not be the sexy chick in red that can do no harm?! Hey, you may even be able to convince your boyfriend to be the big bad wolf! ;)

Hope these ideas help you discover the perfect costume for the holiday! Enjoy!
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