
Über Talk: Beyoncé Covers Essence July 2011

In this upcoming issue of Essence, Beyoncé truly looks like a natural Cover Girl! Within the issue she discussed her long anticipated vacation that truly changed her life! She called the nine month break her own Eat, Pray, Love. She explains how the break really changed her life as she was able to enjoy the simple things in life!

“I had talked about taking a vacation before, but always ended up in the studio after two weeks, so no one believed me. This time, though, I was serious. I was going to give myself a year to do the things I never get to do. Simple things like play with my nephew, pick him up from school, visit museums, go to concerts, see some Broadway shows, learn to cook a meal and spend time with my husband…Yes, I needed some relaxation, but I wanted inspiration too, from regular, everyday things. They did not have to be over-the-top productions. I was looking for tiny moments that would speak to my heart and make me smile…” - Beyoncé, ESSENCE/July 2011

Hey, sometimes you really do have to take a step back to truly enjoy the simple/finer things in life!

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